Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thanks to the Red Cross, which had their volunteers on scene very quickly, we were placed in a nice hotel for seven days. They made sure we had an ATM card with cash so we could get clothes, meals, and essentials like toothbrushes. We were able to get the dogs food and harnesses. The dogs were evacuated with only their leashes around their necks.

It felt like Red Cross was there immediately but I know that very few were let in while the fire department worked on getting that fire out in the building. As you may have read, the neighbor was on oxygen and tried to light a cigarette. We who knew him know it was a stupid accident and we hurt when it happened and will miss him. He was stage four cancer and no doubt died instantly without any suffering. There were no other injuries. Everybody is okay. Beyond him, things were lost. Only things. Plus that matter of our housing.

That night and others that followed, I can tell you I don't have a clue what transpired. Those days felt like being outside time. Like being shifted out of one timeline into another. It's very surreal. I do know I shifted immediately into survival and logistics mode. First was to assess what we have and what we need (immediate needs and in a few days short term needs). Next is to provide food, clothing, security, then routine for everyone.

Next, with the help of Santiago Reyes, and the kindness of Pat Riley with The Salvation Army in Pasadena, our stay has been extended another seven days. The Vagabond Inn Executive in Pasadena has kindly moved us into a room with a kitchenette at no extra cost.

There has been a wonderful response and several people assisting us in the effort to secure housing. In so many ways we are very blessed and feel in our hearts that there will be a good outcome.

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